7 of the Most Common Causes of Depression

Depression is demobilizing and it changes you significantly and makes you feel so different on every single level, physically, mentally, emotionally and socially. There are many different causes of depression and likely many more that contribute to depression and anxiety and likely even more than that, which trigger depression and anxiety and relapse. Here are

Natural Therapies Can Help Symptoms of Depression

Depression is a debilitating mood disorder that changes how you think, feel and function. In daily activities it can interfere with your ability to work, study, eat, sleep and enjoy life. Feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, and worthlessness can be intense and unrelenting with no or little change or relief. Depression makes it difficult to function

Get the Issues Out of Your Tissues with Integrated Energy Therapy

Integrated Energy Therapy Is one of the next generation hands on power energy therapy systems that get the “issues of your tissues” for good. IET was discovered and developed at the “Center of Being” by Stevan J. Thayer he developed the IET cellular memory map and the Integration points.   They chose the term Integrated

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